Schrift 10 - Pagina 6


In the absence of Lt-Col. Andrew this
week the honour of writing the first
Colonel´s Column falls upon me. This
is the first issue of our Regimental
Newspaper. I hope everyone will take great
intrest in it and make it a success.
Ds. De Vos has kindly written an article
outlining the organisation that has been
set up in Sneek for a better relationship
and closer understanding between the citizens
and ourselves. We also have our committees
to work out the various problems with them.
I ask you to co-operate with these commit-
tees and so insure a pleasant period in
the weeks to come. The citizens of Sneek
have shown a kindly and understanding
attitude towards us. But as the days
go by we will cease to be accepted as
liberators and we must adjust ourselves
to being good citizens as well as good
soldiers. There are many ways in which
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